Review Process

Two-Phase Review Process

AAAI-23 will use a two-phase reviewing process, which will work as follows.

The abstract deadline for AAAI submissions will be August 8, 2022, and the deadline for full paper submissions will be August 15, 2022.

Phase 1:

  • Every paper will be allocated two reviewers.
  • If a paper receives two reviews that are both sufficiently negative, it will be rejected without any opportunity for author feedback.
  • Remaining papers will progress to Phase 2.

Phase 2:

  • Each paper will be allocated additional reviewers.
  • These reviewers will not be given access to Phase 1 reviews until after submitting their own reviews.


  • A single author feedback phase will give authors of papers from Phase 2 an opportunity to comment on all reviews (from both phases), running from October 20-23.
  • The program committee and senior program committee will engage in a discussion phase, taking author feedback into account.

Final decisions will be announced on November 18.

Blind Review

AAAI-23 reviews are double blind (i.e., neither reviewers nor authors should be able to identify each other). The first page, on which the paper body begins, should include the title, abstract, content areas, and ID number (if available), but not names or affiliations of the authors. Acknowledgments of funding or assistance should also be omitted. Ensure that no information is included that would identify the authors or their affiliations; papers including such information may be summarily rejected at the discretion of the program chairs.

Submissions should include references to all published literature relevant to the paper. When the authors’ previous work is relevant, they have three options, in descending order of desirability. (1) Use the third person, rather than the first person. For example, say “Previously, Hinton et al (2006) showed that…,” rather than “In our previous work (Hinton et al, 2006) we showed that…”. (2) Avoid citing previous, unpublished work that would surely identify the authors (e.g., a previous technical report or PhD thesis which substantially overlaps with the current submission); such citations may be added to the camera-ready copy. (3) When neither previous option is appropriate, cite as “Anonymous (2019)” to indicate that a citation has been suppressed.

There are two cases where the existence of non-anonymous online material will not be considered a violation of AAAI-23’s blind review policy: it is acceptable for submitted work (1) to appear in a preliminary version as an unrefereed preprint (e.g., on, social media, personal websites) or in any workshop that does not have archival proceedings; or (2) to be discussed in research talks, even if abstracts or videos of such talks are made available online. In such cases, the AAAI-23 submission should not include citations or other pointers to the non-anonymous material and the non-anonymous online material should not reference the fact that the work was submitted to AAAI-23; violations may lead to summary rejection. Reviewers will be instructed not to actively seek out such previous publications or to share knowledge of them with other reviewers but will not be disqualified if they encounter such information

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