AAAI-23 Tutorial and Lab Forum
The Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
February 7 – 8, 2023
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Washington DC, USA
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
What Is the Tutorial Forum?
The Tutorial Forum provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to explore exciting advances in disciplines outside their normal focus. We believe this type of forum is essential for the cross fertilization, cohesiveness, and vitality of the AI field. We all have a lot to learn from each other; the Tutorial Forum promotes the continuing education of each member of AAAI.
What is the New Lab Forum?
In its beginning the AI field focused on proposing theories of computational intelligence, on designing formal models and algorithms, and on characterizing their behavior through analysis and experimentation. Today AI offers a powerful set of modeling tools and decision systems that are having a pervasive impact on a diverse set of real world applications. The purpose of the Lab Forum is to train members of AAAI in using these tools. Often, but not always, tutorials focus on formalisms and algorithms, while labs can focus on teaching methodologies for effectively applying AI tools and modeling frameworks. Labs are often most effectively taught using real world case studies. Also note that tutorials and labs are not exclusive, having tutorials and labs on the same topic can be a powerful combination.
The following list of tutorials and labs have been accepted for presentation at AAAI-23. All times listed are Eastern Standard Time (Washington, DC)
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
8:30 am – 10:15 am
- TFQA1: Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning: A Review of Progress and Challenges (Room 204C)
Yali Du, Joel Z Leibo
10:45 am – 12:30 pm
- TFQA2: Introducing Neuronal Diversity into Deep Learning (Room 204C)
Feng-Lei Fan, Fei Wang
8:30 am – 10:15 am
- LFQA1: Hands-On with the BLACK Satisfiability Checker (Room 204B)
Luca Geatti, Nicola Gigante
10:45 am – 12:30 pm
- LFQA2: KGTK: User-Friendly Toolkit for Manipulation of Large Knowledge Graphs (Room 204B)
Filip Illievski, Jay Pujara, Ke-Thia Yao, Gleb Satyukov, Kian Ahrabian
8:30 am – 12:30 pm
- TFHA1: Trustworthy and Responsible AI: Fairness, Interpretability, Transparency and Their Interactions (Room 201)
Yulin Zhou, Harsha Nori, Besmira Nushi, Jieyu Zhao, Leilani Gilpin - TFHA2: The Polynomial Nets in Deep Learning Architecture (Room 203A)
Grigorios Chrysos, Markos Georgopoulos, Razvan Pascanu, Volkan Cevher - TFHA4: Machine Learning for Causal Inference (Room 202A)
Zhixuan Chu, Jing Ma, Jundong Li, Sheng Li - TFHA5: AI Fairness through Robustness (Room 206)
Mikhail Yuochkin, Yuekai Sun, Pin-Yu Chen - TFHA6: Advances in Neuro Symbolic Reasoning (Room 202B)
Chitta Baral, Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari, Alvaro Velasquez
2:00 pm – 3:45 pm
- TFQP1: Specification-Guided Reinforcement Learning (Room 205)
Kishor Jothimurugan, Suguman Bansal, Osbert Bastani, Rajeev Alur
2:00 pm – 3:45 pm
- LFQP1: Time Series Anomaly Detection Tool: Hands of Lab (Room 204B)
Dhaval Patel
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
- TFHP1: Pervasive AI (Room 203A)
Davide Bacciu, Antonio Carta, Patrizio Dazzi, Claudio Gallicchio - TFHP2: Bi-level Optimization in Machine Learning: Foundations and Applications (Room 206)
Sijia Liu, Mingyi Hong, Yihua Zhang, Bingqing Song - TFHP3: Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning via Policy Gradient Search (Room 204A)
Prashanth L.A. and Michael Fu - TFHP4: On Explainable AI: From Theory to Motivation, Industrial Applications, XAI Coding &; Engineering Practices (Room 201)
Freddy Lecue, Fosca Giannotti, Riccardo Guidotti and Pasquale Minervini - TFHP5: Everything You Need to Know about Transformers: Architectures, Optimization, Applications, and Interpretation (Room 202A)
Andy Zeng, Boqing Gong, Chen Sun, Ellie Pavlick, Neil Houlsby - TFHP6: Large-Scale Deep Learning Optimization Techniques (Room 202B)
James Demmel, Yang You - TFHP7: Inductive Logic Programming: An Introduction and Recent Advances (Room 204C)
Andrew Cropper, Celine Hocquette, Sebastian Dumancic
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
8:30 am – 12:30 pm
- TSHA1: Generalizable Commonsense Reasoning (Room 202B)
Filip Ilievski, Alessandro Oltramari, Kaixin Ma, Peifeng Wang, Jonathan Francis - TSHA2: Graph Neural Networks: Foundation, Frontiers and Applications (Room 202A)
Lingfei Wu, Peng Cui - TSHA3: The Economics of Data and Machine Learning (Room 209BC)
Haifeng Xu, James Zou, Shuran Zeng - TSHA4: Never-Ending Learning, Lifelong Learning and Continual Learning: Systems, Models, Current Challenges and Applications (Room 201)
Estevam Hruschka
8:30 am – 12:30 pm
- LSHA1: Subset Selection in Machine Learning: Hands-On Application with CORDS, DISTIL, SUBMODLIB, and TRUST (Room 203A)
Nathan Beck, Suraj Kothawade, Krishnateja Killamsetty, Rishabh Iyer - LSHA2: Automated AI For Decision Optimization with Reinforcement Learning (Room 204C)
Dharmashankar Subramanian, Takayuki Osogami, Radu Marinescu, Alexander Zadorojniy, Long Vu, Nhan H. Pham - LSHA3: Colossal-AI: Scaling AI Models in Big Model Era (Room 204A)
James Demme, Yang Yo - LSHA4: Building Approachable, Hands-On Embedded Machine Learning Curriculum Using Edge Impulse and Arduino (Room 206)
Brian Plancher, Shawn Hymel - LSHA5: OpenMMLab: A Foundational Platform for Computer Vision Research and Production (Room 204B)
Kai Chen, Ruohui Wang, Songyang Zhang, Wenwei Zhang, Yanhong Zeng
2:00 pm – 3:45 pm
- TSQP1: Data Compression with Machine Learning (Room 202B)
Karen Ulrich, Yibo Yang, Stephan Mandt
4:15 pm – 6:00 pm
- TSQP2: Towards Causal Foundations of Safe AI (Room 202B)
Tom Everitt, Lewis Hammond, Jon Richens
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
- TSHP1: Hyperbolic Neural Networks: Theory, Architectures and Applications (Room 204B)
Nurendra Choudhary, Karthik Subbian, Srinivasan H. Sengamedu, Chandan K. Reddy - TSHP2: AI for Data-Centric Epidemic Forecasting (Room 203A)
Alexander Rogriguez, Harshavardhan Kamarthi, B. Aditya Prakash - TSHP3: Recent Advances in Bayesian Optimization (Room 202A)
Jana Doppa, Aryan Deshwal, Syrine Belakaria - TSHP4: Teaching Computing and Technology Ethics: Engaging Through Science Fiction (Room 204A)
Emanuelle Burton, Judy Goldsmith, Nicholas Mattei, Cory Siler, Sara-Jo Swiatek - TSHP5: Knowledge-Driven Vision-Language Pretraining (Room 201)
Manling Li, Xudong Lin, Jie Lei, Mohit Bansal, Shih-Fu Chang, Heng Ji
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
- LSHP1:Optimization with Constraint Learning (Room 206)
Ilker Birgil, Donato Maragno, Orit Davidovich - LSHP2: Automated Machine Learning & Tuning with FLAML (Room 209BC)
Chi Wang, Qingyun Wu, Xueqing, Luis Quintanilla - LSHP3: Innovative Uses of Synthetic Data (Room 204C)
Mihaela van der Schaar, Zhaozhi Qian
TFQA1: Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning: A Review of Progress and Challenges
Yali Du, Joel Z Leibo
In recent years, we have witnessed a great success of AI in many applications, including image classification, recommendation systems, etc. Since machine learning models are deployed in the real-world, these models will interact with and impact each other, turning their decision making into a multi-agent problem. Therefore, multi-agent learning in a complex world is a fundamental problem for the next generation of AI to empower various multi-agent tasks, among which, cooperative tasks are of the first and foremost interest to practitioners. In this tutorial, we will give a thorough review of fundamentals, progress, and challenges for cooperative multi-agent learning, including 1) the basics of reinforcement learning, multi-agent sequential decision making, 2) the research problems including scalability, decentralization, coordination, and a review of progresses, 3) cooperative learning for self- interested agents, and 4) directions for future works.
The prior knowledge required is the basics of reinforcement learning and moderate experience in machine learning, which enables the audience to be comfortable in following discussion of the related works and progress.

Yali Du
King’s College London
Yali Du is a Lecturer at King’s College London and a member of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Group. Her research interest lies in machine learning and reinforcement learning, especially in the topics of multi-agent learning, policy evaluation, and applications to Game AI, data science and wide decision-making tasks.

Joel Z. Leibo
Joel Z. Leibo is a research scientist at DeepMind. He obtained his PhD in 2013 from MIT where he worked on the computational neuroscience of face recognition with Tomaso Poggio. Nowadays, Joel’s research focuses on getting deep reinforcement learning agents to perform complex cognitive behaviours, evaluation and modelling human intelligence evolution.
TFQA2: Introducing Neuronal Diversity into Deep Learning
Feng-Lei Fan, Fei Wang
The brain is the most intelligent system we have ever known so far. Given the incredible capability of the human brain, neuroscience has been constantly supporting deep learning as a think tank and a validation tool, e.g., inspiring the invention of neocognitron, the pioneering work of convolutional models. Although a brain remains vastly undiscovered, it is clear that the existing deep learning still goes far behind the human brain in many important aspects such as efficiency, interpretability, memory, and robustness. Currently, the characteristics of the mainstream deep learning models are fundamentally different from the biological neural system in terms of neuronal diversity. While deep learning models are typically built on a single universal primitive neuron type, the human brain has numerous morphologically and functionally different neurons. It is no exaggeration to say that neuronal diversity is an enabling factor for all kinds of biological intelligent behaviors. Since an artificial network is a miniature of the human brain, introducing neuronal diversity should be able to add value in terms of addressing the essential problems of artificial networks. There have been increasingly many studies dedicated to neuronal diversity in deep learning, such as polynomial neurons and pyramidal neurons. This tutorial will summarize them in detail. In particular, we will also focus on how neuronal diversity can benefit deep learning in four aspects: efficiency, memory, interpretability, and robustness. We will also envision how neuronal diversity pushes the boundary of deep learning and its potential of escalating deep learning into a new stage.

Feng-Lei Fan
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Fenglei Fan is currently a research assistant professor in Department of Mathematics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests lie in deep learning theory and methodology. He was the recipient of the IBM AI Horizon Fellowship and the 2021 International Neural Network Society Doctoral Dissertation Award.

Fei Wang
Cornell University
Dr. Fei Wang is currently an Associate Professor in Department of Population Health Sciences at Cornell University. He is a fellow of American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), a fellow of International Academy of Health and Science Informatics (IAHSI), a fellow of American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI).
LFQA1: Hands-On with the BLACK Satisfiability Checker
Luca Geatti, Nicola Gigante
This lab will cover the usage of the BLACK satisfiability checker ( a software tool for testing the satisfiability of formulas in linear temporal logic (LTL) and related extensions. Based on the recent symbolic tableau approach, BLACK is a state-of-the-art system supporting many features and comprehensive C++ and Python APIs that allow any application to easily integrate temporalreasoning.
Some of BLACK’s feature include:
- support Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) for infinite- and finite-trace semantics (LTLf);
- support for past operators;
- model extraction;
- extraction of minimum unsatisfiable cores.
This lab will provide hands-on experience with BLACK interface and API, with a focus on artificial intelligence, in particular planning problems.
The lab will require only basic knowledge of temporal logic and either C++ or Python. We will provide all other necessary background knowledge. Participants are welcome to carry their laptops to replicate the exercises done during the lab. Virtual machines with all the required software will be provided beforehand.

Luca Geatti
University of Udine
Luca Geatti received his PhD at the University of Udine and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in 2022. He spent one year at the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, and he is now a postdoc researcher in Computer Science at the University of Udine. His research interests span automata theory, temporal logics, automatic synthesis, reactive synthesis, and formal verification.

Nicola Gigante
Free University of Bozen/Bolzano
Nicola Gigante received his PhD at the University of Udine in 2019. After a two-year postdoc period in Udine, he is now a Researcher at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. His research interests include temporal reasoning in formal verification and artificial intelligence, including temporal logic, temporal planning, and reactive synthesis from temporal specifications.
LFQA2: KGTK: User-Friendly Toolkit for Manipulation of Large Knowledge Graphs
Filip Illievski, Jay Pujara, Ke-Thia Yao, Gleb Satyukov, Kian Ahrabian
Typical use cases of working with knowledge graphs require a host of different approaches, tools, and formats to obtain, manipulate, and customize the data. Composing such a pipeline today requires knowledge of multiple tools that are not designed to work together, making it costly to implement these pipelines for large KGs and hindering massive adoption of knowledge graphs by AI developers and researchers. In this tutorial, we will present KGTK: an integrated Knowledge Graph ToolKit, which provides a wide range of knowledge graph manipulation and analysis functionality and supports common use cases such as large-scale network analysis, data enrichment, and quality estimation. The lab will showcase four diverse applications of KGTK on 1) analyzing publication graphs and leveraging them to drive scientific innovation; 2) supply chain and financial transaction analytics; 3) event analytics with moral dimensions; and 4) commonsense knowledge harmonization and reasoning. Each session will be based on a jupyter notebook in Python, available both on Google Colab as well as for local installation.

Filip Illievski
University of Southern California
Filip Ilievski is a Research Lead at the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (USC), and a Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science at USC Viterbi School of Engineering. His expertise includes knowledge engineering, information extraction, and commonsense reasoning.

Jay Puiara
University of Southern California
Jay Pujara is a Director at the Center on Knowledge Graphs, Research Team Lead at the USC Information Sciences Institute, and a Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.

Ke-Thia Yao
University of Southern California
Ke-Thia Yao is a Research Lead at the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (USC). His expertise includes machine learning, quantum computing and knowledge graphs.

Gleb Satyukov
University of Southern California
Gleb Satyukov is a Senior Research Engineer at the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (USC).

Kian Ahrabian
University of Southern California
Kian Ahrabian is a Ph.D. Student at the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (USC). His expertise includes knowledge graphs, graph representation learning, and machine learning.
TFHA1: Trustworthy and Responsible AI: Fairness, Interpretability, Transparency and Their Interactions
Yulin Zhou, Harsha Nori, Besmira Nushi, Jieyu Zhao, Leilani Gilpin
As AI systems, often implemented as black-box ML models, are increasingly deployed in high-stakes domains, a new research focus on trustworthy and responsible AI (TRAI) has emerged over the past several years and attracted interest from academia, industry, and government agencies. This tutorial covers recent advances in TRAI in three subareas: fairness, interpretability and transparency. We discuss not only foundational and frontier research within each subarea, but also their interactions. Various real-life applications are covered, such as autonomous driving, medical diagnosis, and judicial systems. The tutorial also puts a special emphasis on tooling and processes that help ML research and production to develop and deploy trustworthy and responsible systems.
This tutorial is of interest to a wide range of audience, who will benefit from the tutorial in different ways. TRAI researchers will learn the latest advancement in the area, and in particular work at the intersection of subareas. Practitioners will learn effective methods for models debugging and auditing. Policy and decision makers will learn the algorithmic realizations of abstract concepts (e.g., fairness and interpretability criteria) to engage in technical conversations. A general understanding about machine learning is recommended, but familiarity with any TRAI topics is not necessary.

Yilun Zhou
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yilun Zhou is a PhD student at MIT, working on interpretability and transparency. In particular, he develops methods and evaluations for explanations of black-box models. His thesis focuses on techniques and systems to achieve holistic model understanding and various research projects have been published in AAAI, NAACL and CoRL.

Harsha Nori
Microsoft Research
Harsha Nori is a senior research engineering manager at Microsoft Research, working on Responsible AI, and co-founder of the popular InterpretML toolkit. His current focus is on explainability, fairness, and differential privacy for machine learning, which he has published on at conferences including ICML, NeurIPS, AAAI, CHI, USENIX, and CLeaR.

Besmira Nushi
Microsoft Research
Besmira Nushi is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research. Her research work focuses on Reliable Machine Learning and Human-AI Collaboration. Currently Besmira is leading the research behind building and adopting several Responsible AI tools for debugging ML systems, such as Error Analysis, Responsible AI Toolbox, and BackwardCompatibilityML.

Jieyu Zhao
Jieyu Zhao is a postdoc at UMD. Her research lies in fairness of ML/NLP. Her paper got EMNLP Best Long Paper Award (2017). She received 2020 Microsoft PhD Fellowship and has been invited to join panels hosted by UN-WOMEN Beijing on gender equality and social responsibility. More are on
TFHA2: The Polynomial Nets in Deep Learning Architectures
Grigorios Chrysos, Markos Georgopoulos, Razvan Pascanu, Volkan Cevher
Polynomial networks enable a new network design that treats a network as a high-degree polynomial expansion of the input. Polynomial networks have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in a range of tasks. Despite the fact that polynomial networks have appeared for several decades in machine learning and complex systems, they are not widely acknowledged for their role in modern deep learning. In this tutorial we intend to bridge the gap and draw parallelisms between modern deep learning approaches and polynomial networks. To this end, we will share recent developments on the topic, as well as explain the required tools.

Grigorios Chyrsos
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Grigorios Chrysos is a Post-doctoral researcher at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) following the completion of his PhD at Imperial College London (2020). Previously, he graduated from National Technical University of Athens with a Diploma/MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2014). He has co-organized workshops in top conferences (CVPR, ICCV). He also organized a tutorial on polynomial nets (CVPR’22). His research interests lie in machine learning and its interface with computer vision. In particular, he is working on generative models, tensor decompositions and modelling high dimensional distributions; his recent work has been published in top-tier conferences (CVPR, ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS) and prestigious journals (T-PAMI, IJCV, T-IP). Grigorios has been recognized as an outstanding reviewer in both journals and top-tier conferences (ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS).

Markos Georgopoulos

Razvan Pascanu

Volkan Cevher
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
TFHA4: Machine Learning for Causal Inference
Zhixuan Chu, Jing Ma, Jundong Li, Sheng Li
Causal inference has numerous real-world applications in many domains such as education, health care, political science, marketing, and online advertising. Causal inference has been studied for decades; however, traditional methods may have limited capability on handling large-scale and high-dimensional heterogeneous data. Recent research efforts demonstrate that machine learning could greatly facilitate causal inference tasks such as treatment effect estimation and counterfactual inference. Meanwhile, casual knowledge extracted from observational data could enhance the reliability of machine learning models. In this tutorial, we will present a comprehensive overview of the intersection of causal inference and machine learning. We will start with the background of causal inference and briefly introduce several traditional causal inference methods. Then we will introduce the state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for causal inference, especially the representation learning based methods and graph neural networks-based methods. In addition, we will discuss how to exploit causal knowledge for reliable machine learning and showcase promising applications of these methods in multiple domains.

Zhixuan Chu
Ant Group
Zhixuan Chu is a researcher at Ant Group. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Georgia. His recent research interests mainly focus on causal inference and its interaction with other machine learning methodologies, such as graph learning, trustworthy learning, explainable artificial intelligence, CV, NLP, and so on.

Jing Ma
University of Virginia
Jing Ma is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia. Her research interests include causal inference, machine learning, graph mining, and fairness. Her recent work focuses on bridging the gap between causality and machine learning. She has won the SIGKDD 2022 Best Research Paper Award.

Jundong Li
University of Virginia
Jundong Li is an Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia. His research interests are data mining and machine learning, with a focus on graph mining, causal inference, and algorithmic fairness. He has won several prestigious awards, such as the SIGKDD 2022 Best Research Paper Award and NSF CAREER Award.

Sheng Li
University of Virginia
Sheng Li is an Assistant Professor of Data Science at the University of Virginia. His research interests include trustworthy representation learning, causal inference, and visual intelligence. He has extensive publications in leading journals and conferences and has received several research awards, such as the INNS Aharon Katzir Young Investigator Award.
TFHA5: AI Fairness through Robustness
Mikhail Yuochkin, Yuekai Sun, Pin-Yu Chen
The goal of this tutorial is to elucidate the unique and novel connections between algorithmic fairness and the rich literature on adversarial machine learning. Compared to other tutorials on AI fairness, this tutorial will emphasize the connection between recent advances in fair learning and adversarial robustness literature. The range of the presented techniques will cover a complete fairness pipeline, starting from auditing ML models for fairness violations, post-processing them to rapidly alleviate bias, and re-training or fine-tuning models to achieve algorithmic fairness. Each topic will be presented in the context of adversarial ML, specifically, (i) connections between fair similarity metrics for individual fairness and adversarial attack radius, (ii) auditing as an adversarial attack, (iii) fair learning as adversarial training, (iv) distributionally robust optimization for group fairness. We will conclude with (v) a summary of the most recent advances in adversarial ML and its potential applications in algorithmic
The tutorial is designed for a broad range of audiences, including researchers, students, developers, and industrial practitioners. Basic knowledge of machine learning and deep learning is preferred but not required. All topics will be supported with relevant background and demonstrations on varying real data use-cases utilizing Python libraries for fair machine learning.

Mikhail Yurochkin
IBM Research
Mikhail Yurochkin is a Research Staff Member at IBM Research and the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. His current research interests are in the areas of Algorithmic Fairness and Out-of-Distribution Generalization. He has a PhD in Statistics from the University of Michigan. More information about Mikhail can be found at

Yuekai Sun
University of Michigan
Yuekai Sun is an assistant professor in the statistics department at the University of Michigan. His research is guided by the statistical and computational challenges in machine learning. More broadly, Yuekai is interested in the mathematical foundations of data science. See for more information about Yuekai.

Pin-Yu Chen
IBM Research
Dr. Pin-Yu Chen is a principal research scientist at IBM Research. His primary research interest in on AI Robustness and Generalization, and more generally, trustworthy AI. He received the IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 GOLD Best Paper Award and UAI 2022 Best Paper Runner-Up Award. More information about him can be found at
TFHA6: Advances in Neuro Symbolic Reasoning
Chitta Baral, Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari, Alvaro Velasquez
Over the past five years, the community has made significant advances in neuro symbolic reasoning (NSR). These NSR frameworks are now capable of embedding prior knowledge in deep learning architectures, guiding the learning process with logical constraints, providing symbolic explainability, and using gradient-based approaches to learn logical statements. At this time, several approaches are seeing usage in various application areas. This tutorial is designed for researchers looking to understand the current landscape of NSR research as well as those looking to apply NSR research in areas such as natural language processing and verification. The pace of progress in NSR is expected to continue as firms such as IBM, Samsung, and Lockheed-Martin are now heavily investing in research in this area inaddition to the recently announced government-funded efforts such as DARPA’s ASNR program indicate that this area will grow. A secondary goal of this tutorial is to help build a larger community around this topic as more basic researchers and applied scientists turn to NSR to build upon the successes of deep learning. Attendees of the tutorial should be familiar with concepts in deep learning and logical reasoning, have mathematical maturity, as well as a basic understanding of fuzzy/real-valued logic.

Chitta Baral
Arizona State University
Chitta Baral is a Professor in the School of Computing and AI at ASU. He is a long-standing researcher in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R), and is the past President of KR. His recent research includes using KR&R to tasks in vision and languages, thus combining symbolic and neural approaches.

Paulo Shakarian
Arizona State University
Paulo Shakarian is an associate professor at Arizona State University. His research focuses on symbolic AI and hybrid symbolic-ML systems. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park. He is a past DARPA Military Fellow, AFOSRYoung Investigator recipient, and his work earned multiple “best paper” awards.

Gerardo I. Simari
Gerardo I. Simari is a professor at UNS, and a researcher at CONICET. His research focuses on AI and Databases, and reasoning under uncertainty. He received a PhD in computer science from University of Maryland College Park and later joined the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, where he was also a Fulford Junior Research Fellow of Somerville College.

Alvaro Velasquez
Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Alvaro Velasquez is a program manager in the Innovation Information Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where he leads the Assured Neuro-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (ANSR) program. Before that, Alvaro oversaw the machine intelligence portfolio of investments for the Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Additionally, the following students will be supporting the tutorial for creation of materials:

Bowen Xi
Arizona State University

Lahari Pokala
Arizona State University
TFQP1: Specification-Guided Reinforcement Learning
Kishor Jothimurugan, Suguman Bansal, Osbert Bastani, Rajeev Alur
The unprecedented proliferation of data-driven approaches, especially machine learning, has put the spotlight on building trustworthy AI through the combination of logical reasoning and machine learning. Reinforcement Learning from Logical Specifications is one such topic where formal logical constructs are utilized to overcome challenges faced by modern RL algorithms. Research on this topic is scattered across venues targeting subareas of AI. Foundational work has appeared at formal methods and AI venues. Algorithmic development and applications have appeared at machine learning, robotics, and cyber-physical systems venues. This tutorial will consolidate recent progress in one capsule for a typical AI researcher. The tutorial will be designed to explain the importance of using formal specifications in RL and encourage researchers to apply existing techniques for RL from logical specifications as well as contribute to the growing body of work on this topic. This tutorial will introduce reinforcement learning as a tool for the automated synthesis of control policies and discuss the challenge of encoding long- horizon tasks using rewards. We will then formulate the problem of reinforcement learning from logical specifications and present recent progress in developing scalable algorithms as well as theoretical results demonstrating the hardness of learning in this context.

Kishor Jothimurugan
University of Pennsylvania
Kishor Jothimurugan is a final-year PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania, advised by Prof. Rajeev Alur. His research focuses on applications of formal methods in reinforcement learning including RL from formal specifications, compositional RL algorithms and verification of neural network controllers.

Suguman Bansal
Georgia Institute of Technology
Suguman Bansal is an (incoming) Assistant Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research lies at the intersection of formal methods and artificial intelligence. She is the recipient of the 2020 NSF CI Fellowship and was named a 2021 MIT EECS Rising Star.

Osbert Bastani
University of Pennsylvania
Osbert Bastani is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania. He is broadly interested in techniques for designing trustworthy machine learning systems, focusing on their correctness, programmability, and efficiency. Previously, he completed his Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford and his A.B. in mathematics from Harvard.

Rajeev Alur
University of Pennsylvania
Rajeev Alur is Zisman Family Professor of Computer and Information Science and the Founding Director of ASSET (Center for AI-Enabled Systems: Safe, Explainable, and Trustworthy) at the University of Pennsylvania.
LFQP1: Time Series Anomaly Detection Tool: Hands of Lab
Dhaval Patel
Asset Health and Monitoring is an emerging AI Application that aims to deliver efficient AI-powered solutions to various industrial problems such as anomaly detection, failure pattern analysis, etc. In this lab-based tutorial, we present a web-based time series anomaly detection tool – a new scikit-learn compatible toolkit specialized for the time series-based anomaly detection problem. The key focus of our tutorial includes the design and development of an anomaly detection pipeline, a zero-configuration interface for automated discovery of an anomaly pipeline for any given dataset (univariate and multi-variate), a set of 5 frequently used workflow empirically derived from past experiences, a scalable technique for conducting efficient pipeline execution. We extensively tested deployed anomaly detection services using multiple datasets with varying time-series data characteristics.

Dhaval Patel
IBM Research
Dr. Dhaval Patel is with IBM Research since 2016 and currently work as a Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM). Dr. Dhaval Patel hold PhD in Computer Science from National University of Singapore. Dr. Patel is an expert in Data Mining, Machine Learning, Time Series Data Analysis, etc. The significance of his research contributions has been demonstrated in 70+ published papers (10 journal papers and 60+ conference/workshop papers) in high impact, refereed, top-notch venues. He is recipients of 9 outstanding technical/research accomplishments awards from IBM for advancing AI technology to solve several real-world industrial problems. He is key contributor in many Flagship IBM Research Product including AutoAI-TS, Maximo Application Suites for Anomaly Detection at Scale, etc.
TFHP1: Pervasive AI
Davide Bacciu, Antonio Carta, Patrizio Dazzi, Claudio Gallicchio
This tutorial will introduce the novel and thriving research field of Pervasive AI, lying at the crossroads of artificial intelligence and pervasive computing. We will cover fundamental and state-of-the-art AI methodologies and models enabling the design of efficient and effective distributed and embedded neural learning systems, including reservoir computing, federated learning, and continual learning. The view over AI methods will be complemented by an introduction to relevant pervasive computing and communication abstractions, infrastructures, and applications for AI. Relevant programming libraries and tools will also be introduced whenever appropriate.
The tutorial is targeted to both early career researchers, and to more advanced stage researchers looking to enter a novel AI field which is rapidly building momentum and seeking both foundational knowledge as well as a perspective on current research.
The tutorial is designed for a broad audience of researchers with diverse backgrounds and interests, including Artificial Intelligence, Cloud/Edge/IoT, Deep Learning, HPC, Machine Learning and Pervasive computing. Basic knowledge on Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks architectures is preferable.

Davide Bacciu
University of Pisa
Davide Bacciu is Associate Professor at University of Pisa and head of the Pervasive AI Laboratory. He coordinates two EU projects on pervasive AI, distributed and embedded neural systems, continual learning, and human-centred AI. He is Senior Editor of the IEEE TNNLS, an IEEE Senior Member, vice-chair of the IEEE Neural Network TC, and the Vice President of the Italian Association for AI.

Antonio Carta
University of Pisa
Antonio Carta is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pisa, and a member of the Pervasive AI Laboratory. His recent research is focused on continual learning, including multi-agent and replay-free setting. He is the lead maintainer of Avalanche, an open-source continual learning library developed by ContinualAI.

Patrizio Dazzi
University of Pisa
Patrizio Dazzi is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pisa and founder and co-head of the Pervasive AI Laboratory. His recent research is focused on large distributed systems. He has been coordinating EU research projects (ACCORDION and BASMATI) in the field of intelligent placement and management of cloud-based applications.

Claudio Gallicchio
University of Pisa
Claudio Gallicchio is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pisa, and a member of the Pervasive AI Laboratory. His research is at the intersection between deep learning, dynamical systems, and sustainable AI. He is founder of the IEEE task forces on Reservoir Computing, and on Randomization-Based Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
TFHP2: Bi-level Optimization in Machine Learning: Foundations and Applications
Sijia Liu, Mingyi Hong, Yihua Zhang, Bingqing Song
Bi-level machine learning has become an emerging but overlooked topic that leverages bi-level optimization (BLO) to tackle a wide class of artificial intelligence challenges such as: robust AI, efficient AI, and generalizable AI. Our half-day tutorial will systematically review various aspects of BLO, including theoretical foundations, algorithm development, and practical applications. Specifically, the content will cover detailed discussions on recent advances in the theoretical developments of BLO, its applications in different fields of AI, as well as its efficient implementation. In addition to technical presentations, we will also offer a carefully designed Demo Expo to showcase the practical implementations of BLO methods and their applications. The expo contains an in-person implementation tutorial, an actively maintained toolbox for BLO in GitHub, and a regularly updated blog channel to facilitate virtual participation during and after the conference.

Sijia Liu
Michigan State University
Sijia Liu is currently an Assistant Professor at the CSE department of Michigan State University, and an Affiliated Professor at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, IBM Research. His research spans the areas of machine learning, optimization, computer vision, signal processing and computational biology, with a focus on developing learning algorithms and theory for scalable and trustworthy AI. He received the Best Paper Runner-Up Award at the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2022. He also received the Best Student Paper Award at the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017. He has published over 60 papers at major ML conferences such as NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AISTATS, and AAAI. He co-chaired several workshops on Trustworthy AI and Optimization for ML at KDD’19-22 and ICML’22.

Mingyi Hong
University of Minnesota
Mingyi Hong is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering (by courtesy), University of Minnesota. His research has been focused on optimization theory, and its applications in machine learning and signal processing. His works have been recognized by a number of awards, including a Facebook Research Award (2021), an IBM Faculty Award (2020); a Best Paper Award from IEEE Signal Processing Society (2021), a Best Paper Award from ICCM (2020); a Best Student Paper Award in NeurIPS Workshop on Scalability, Privacy, and Security in Federated Learning (2020), and a Best Student Paper Award from Asilomar Conference (2018). He has been one of the three finalists for IEEE Signal Processing Society Early Career Research Award (2021), and Mathematical Optimization Society Young Researchers in Continuous Optimization (2013, 2016).

Yihua Zhang
Michigan State University
Yihua Zhang is a Ph.D. student of the department of computer science and engineering at Michigan State University. His research has been focused on the optimization theory and optimization foundations of various AI applications. In general, his research spans the areas of machine learning (ML)/deep learning (DL), computer vision, and security. He has published papers at major ML/AI conferences such as CVPR, ICML, and NeurIPS. He also received the Best Paper Runner-Up Award at the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2022.

Bingqing Song
University of Minnesota
Bingqing Song is currently a third year Ph.D. student at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and MS student at Department of Statistics, University of Minnesota. She is under the supervision of Professor Mingyi Hong. Her research interest includes optimization theory, and the application in signal processing; deep learning; Federated Learning; Privacy. Her works have been accepted by ASILOMAR (2019), SPAWC (2021), presented at Intel MLWiNS Workshop. She has been working on the UMN-Meta collaborative Federated Learning project.
TFHP3: Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning via Policy Gradient Search
Prashanth L.A. and Michael Fu
The objective in traditional reinforcement learning (RL) usually involves an expected value of a cost function that doesn’t include risk considerations. In this tutorial, we consider risk-sensitive RL in two settings: one where the goal is to find a policy that optimizes the usual expected value objective while ensuring that a risk constraint is satisfied, and the other where the risk measure is the objective. We focus on policy gradient search as the solution approach.
Thus, the main purpose of this tutorial is to introduce and survey research results on policy gradient methods for reinforcement learning with risk-sensitive criteria, as well as to outline some promising avenues for future research following the risk-sensitive RL framework.
The target audience includes both researchers and practitioners who study and/or use RL in their work and who wish to incorporate risk measures or behavioral considerations in their decision-making process. The background needed for this tutorial can be found in a first course in RL and optimization.

Prashanth L.A.
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Prashanth L.A. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Madras. His research interests are in reinforcement learning, stochastic optimization and multi-armed bandits, with applications in transportation systems, wireless networks and recommendation systems.

Michael C. Fu
University of Maryland
Michael C. Fu holds the Smith Chair of Management Science at the University of Maryland. His research interests include simulation optimization and applied probability, particularly with applications towards supply chain management and financial engineering.
TFHP4: On Explainable AI: From Theory to Motivation, Industrial Applications, XAI Coding & Engineering
Freddy Lecue, Fosca Giannotti, Riccardo Guidotti and Pasquale Minervini
The future of AI lies in enabling people to collaborate with machines to solve complex problems. Like any efficient collaboration, this requires good communication, trust, clarity and understanding. XAI (eXplainable AI) aims at addressing such challenges by combining the best of symbolic AI and traditional Machine Learning. Such a topic has been studied for years by all different communities of AI, with different definitions, evaluation metrics, motivations and results. This tutorial is a snapshot on the work of XAI to date, and surveys the work achieved by the AI community with a focus on machine learning and symbolic AI related approaches (given the half-day format). We will motivate the needs of XAI in real-world and large-scale application, while presenting state-of-the-art techniques, with best XAI coding and engineering practices. In the first part of the tutorial, we give an introduction to the different aspects of explanations in AI. We then focus the tutorial on two specific approaches: (i) XAI using machine learning and (ii) XAI using a combination of graph-based knowledge representation and machine learning. For both we get into the specifics of the approach, the state of the art and the research challenges for the next steps. The final part of the tutorial gives an overview of real-world applications of XAI as well as best XAI coding and engineering practices, as XAI technologies are required to be seamlessly integrated in AI applications.

Freddy Lecue
J.P. Morgan AI Research
Freddy Lecue (PhD 2008, Habilitation 2015) is an AI research director at J.P. Morgan in New York since August 2022. He is also a research associate at INRIA, in WIM- MICS, Sophia Antipolis – France. He was a principal scientist and research manager in Artificial Intelligent systems, systems combining learning and reasoning capabilities, in CortAIx, Thales in Montreal, Canada from January 2019 till August 2022. He worked in AI leadership positions in Accenture from 2016 till 2019. Before joining Accenture Labs, he was a Research Scientist at IBM Research, Smarter Cities Technology Center (SCTC) in Dublin, Ireland, and lead investigator of the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group. His main research interests are Explainable AI systems. The application domain of his current research is Smarter Cities, with a focus on Smart Transportation and Building. In particular, he is interested in exploiting and advancing Knowledge Representation and Reasoning methods for representing and inferring actionable insight from large, noisy, heterogeneous, and big data. He has over 40 publications in refereed journals and conferences related to Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, ECAI, IJCAI, IUI) and Semantic Web (ESWC, ISWC), all describing new systems to handle expressive semantic representation and reasoning. He co-organized the first three workshops on semantic cities (AAAI 2012, 2014, 2015, IJCAI 2013), and the first two tutorials on smart cities at AAAI 2015 and IJCAI 2016. Prior to joining IBM, Freddy Lecue was a Research Fellow (2008-2011) with the Centre for Service Research at The University of Manchester, UK. He has been awarded a second prize for his Ph.D. thesis by the French Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence in 2009 and has been recipient of the Best Research Paper Award at the ACM/IEEE Web Intelligence conference in 2008.

Pasquale Minervini
University College London
Pasquale is a PhD Researcher at the University of Edinburgh. He was previously a Senior Research Fellow at University College London (UCL). He received a PhD in Computer Science from University of Bari, Italy, with a thesis on relational learning. After his PhD, he worked as a postdoc researcher at the University of Bari, and at the INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics (INSIGHT), where he worked in a group composed of researchers and engineers from INSIGHT and Fujitsu Ireland Research and Innovation. Pasquale published peer-reviewed papers in top-tier AI conferences, receiving two best paper awards, participated to the organisation of tutorials on Explainable AI and relational learning (three for AAAI, one for ECML, and others), and was a guest lecturer at UCL and at the Summer School on Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence. He is the main inventor of a patent application assigned to Fujitsu Ltd, and recently he was awarded a seven-figures H2020 research grant involving applications of relational learning to cancer research. His website is

Fosca Giannotti
National Research Council
Fosca Giannotti is Director of Research at the Information Science and Technology Institute “A. Faedo” of the National Research Council, Pisa, Italy. Fosca is a scientist in Data mining and Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics. She leads the Pisa KDD Lab – Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory, a joint research initiative of the University of Pisa and ISTI-CNR, founded in 1994 as one of the earliest research labs centered on data mining. Fosca’s research focus is on social mining from big data: human dynamics, social networks, diffusion of innovation, privacy enhancing technology and explainable AI. She has coordinated tens of research projects and industrial collaborations. Fosca is now the coordinator of SoBigData, the European research infrastructure on Big Data Analytics and Social Mining, an ecosystem of ten cutting edge European research centers providing an open platform for interdisciplinary data science and data-driven innovation In 2012-2015 Fosca has been general chair of the Steering board of ECML-PKDD (European conference on Machine Learning) and is currently member of the steering committee EuADS (European Association on Data Science) and of the AIIS: Italian Lab. of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems

Riccardo Guidotti
University of Pisa
Riccardo Guidotti is currently a post-doc researcher at the Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Italy and a member of the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory (KDDLab), a joint research group with the Information Science and Technology Institute of the National Research Council in Pisa. Riccardo Guidotti was born in 1988 in Pitigliano (GR) Italy. In 2013 and 2010 he graduated cum laude in Computer Science (MS and BS) at University of Pisa. He received his PhD in Computer Science with a thesis on Personal Data Analytics in the same institution. He won the IBM fellowship program and was an intern at IBM Research Dublin, Ireland in 2015. His research interests are in personal data mining, clustering, explainable models, analysis of transactional data related to recipes and to migration flows.
TFHP5: Everything You Need to Know about Transformers: Architectures, Optimization, Applications,
and Interpretation
Andy Zeng, Boqing Gong, Chen Sun, Ellie Pavlick, Neil Houlsby
The tutorial aims to share the exciting recent developments on unified neural architectures that process different input modalities and learn to solve diverse tasks, from the perspective of Transformer architectures. The goal is to equip attendees with “everything they need to know about Transformers”. The tutorial covers the basic architecture and its recent variants (Neil Houlsby), effective optimization algorithms (Boqing Gong), representative and emerging new applications in multimodal learning and robotics (Chen Sun, Andy Zeng), and the tools to probe and analyze what knowledge has been captured by a trained network (Ellie Pavlick).
We envision the underlying principles for the success of Transformers are general, and the tutorial will be beneficial for a wide range of AI researchers and practitioners. Finally, the tutorial will discuss the limitations of existing Transformer-based approaches and highlight some future research directions.
We expect the participants to have general knowledge about machine learning and deep learning, including commonly used neural architectures and learning methods. A hands-on experience with computer vision, language understanding, or robotics research or applications is helpful, but not required.

Andy Zeng
Andy Zeng is a research scientist at Google. His research focuses on robot learning – to enable machines to intelligently interact with the world and improve themselves over time. These days, he is interested in how robots can benefit from Internet-scale data.

Boqing Gong
Boqing Gong is a research scientist at Google, Seattle. His research in machine learning and computer vision focuses on the generalization and efficiency of vision models. Before joining Google in 2019, he worked at Tencent and was a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Central Florida.

Chen Sun
Brown University
Chen Sun is an assistant professor of computer science at Brown University, and a research scientist at Google. His ongoing research projects involve learning multimodal representation and visual commonsense from unlabeled videos, to recognize human activities, objects, and their interactions over time, and to transfer the representation to embodied agents. Chen received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in 2016, and his bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University in 2011.

Ellie Pavlick
Brown University
Ellie Pavlick is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Brown University, where she leads the Language Understanding and Representation (LUNAR) Lab, and a Research Scientist at Google. Her research focuses on building computational models of language that are inspired by and/or informative of language processing in humans. Currently, her lab is investigating the inner workings of neural networks in order to ‘reverse engineer’ the conceptual structures and reasoning strategies that these models use, as well as exploring the role of grounded (non-linguistic) signals for word and concept learning.

Neil Houlsby
Neil Houlsby is a Research Scientist in Google Research, Brain team in Zürich. Neil has broad interests in machine learning and artificial intelligence, with particular a focus on scalable vision models, natural language processing, and transfer learning. Before joining Google, Neil worked on Bayesian machine learning at the University of Cambridge.
TFHP6: Large-Scale Deep Learning Optimization Techniques
James Demmel, Yang You
Large transformer models display promising performance on a wide spectrum of AI applications. However, there has been a recent insurgence of extremely large models due to their good performance. These models have exorbitant training costs due to large communication overhead and the number of computations they execute. Therefore, both academia and industry are scaling DL training on larger clusters. However, degrading generalization performance, non-negligible communication overhead, and increasing model size prevent DL researchers and engineers from exploring large-scale AI models. In this tutorial, we aim to provide a clear sketch of the optimizations for large-scale deep learning with regard to model accuracy and model efficiency. We investigate algorithms that are most commonly used for optimizing: we recall the key idea of gradient descent optimization, introduce large batch training optimization, elaborate on the debatable topic of the generalization gap that arises in large-batch training, present second-order optimization, and lastly, review the state-of-the-art strategies in addressing the communication overhead and reducing memory footprints.
The tutorial will be self-contained and only a basic understanding of deep learning would be good enough to follow most materials. More details can be found at

James Demmel
UC Berkeley
Prof. James Demmel is a Distinguished Professor at UC Berkeley. He is also the former chair of the Computer Science Division and EECS Department of UC Berkeley. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Yang You
National University of Singapore
Prof. Yang You is a Presidential Young Professor at the National University of Singapore. He broke the world record of ImageNet training speed, followed by another world record of BERT training speed. He also made Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list for young leaders and IEEE-CS TCHPC early career award.
TFHP7: Inductive Logic Programming: An Introduction and Recent Advances
Andrew Cropper, Celine Hocquette, Sebastian Dumancic
The main limitations of standard machine learning approaches include poor generalisation, a lack of interpretability, and the need for many training examples. However, unbeknown to many researchers, recent work in Inductive Logic Programming (ILP), a form of machine learning based on computational logic, has shown promise at addressing these limitations. This tutorial introduces ILP to a general AI audience by describing how to build an ILP system. We also discuss applications of ILP, such as game playing, drug design, and program synthesis. We highlight the main challenges and outline opportunities for collaboration with other AI areas, principally constraint solving.
This tutorial does not require any prerequisite knowledge but familiarity with first-order logic is helpful.

Andrew Cropper
University of Oxford
Andrew Cropper is a research fellow in the computer science department at the University of Oxford. He works on inductive logic programming. He runs the logic and learning (LoL) group and the automatic computer scientist project.

Céline Hocquette
University of Oxford
Céline Hocquette is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. She obtained her PhD under the supervision of Stephen Muggleton at Imperial College London. Her research interests are inductive logic programming and program synthesis.

Sebastian Dumančić
Delft University of Technology
Sebastijan Dumančić is an Assistant Professor at the Delft University of Technology, in the Netherlands. He received his PhD from KU Leuven, Belgium, in 2018. His interests include program synthesis, probabilistic programming, and integration of knowledge- and learning-based AI paradigms.
TSHA1: Generalizable Commonsense Reasoning
Filip Ilievski, Alessandro Oltramari, Kaixin Ma, Peifeng Wang, Jonathan Francis
Replicating human common sense in machines is an `Ur problem' in AI. The first attempts to address this fundamental topic leveraged symbolic languages and reasoning to represent and derive commonsense knowledge; however, it quickly became evident that the expressivity of representation and reasoning had to be combined with the scalability of knowledge acquisition (from web-scale corpus) to achieve meaningful coverage.
The primary goal of our tutorial is to present advanced methods and systems that are currently available in the area of generalizable and explainable machine common sense, illustrating their ties with past – but still relevant - AI research. We will focus on open-world question answering and situational understanding to ground our presentation on concrete scenarios that require commonsense reasoning.
For the very nature of the selected tasks, we expect the examples provided to be accessible by scientists, students, and practitioners whose competencies lie outside the field of natural language understanding. We will also introduce realistic applications of commonsense reasoning in the areas of multi-modal and embodied AI.

Filip Ilievski
University of Southern California
Filip Ilievski is a Research Lead at the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California (USC), and a Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science at USC Viterbi School of Engineering. His expertise includes commonsense reasoning, knowledge graphs, knowledge engineering, and information extraction.

Alessasndro Oltramari
Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence
Alessandro Oltramari is a Senior Research Scientist at Bosch Research & Technology Center and Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) and an Associate Researcher at the Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology (Trento, Italy). His expertise includes knowledge graphs, knowledge engineering, commonsense reasoning, cognitive architectures, philosophy of language, and computational linguistics.

Kaixin Ma
Carnegie Mellon University
Kaixin Ma is a PhD student at Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). His expertise includes question answering and commonsense reasoning.

Peifeng Wang
University of Southern California
Peifeng Wang is a Ph.D. student at the Computer Science Department, USC. His expertise includes commonsense reasoning, explainable AI, and knowledge representation learning.

Jonathan Francis
Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence
Jonathan Francis is a Senior Research Scientist at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) and an affiliated researcher in the Language Technologies Institute and Robotics Institute, in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). His expertise includes Multimodal Machine Learning, Embodied AI, and Neuro-symbolism. He received his Ph.D. from the Language Technologies Institute at CMU.
TSHA2: Graph Neural Networks: Foundation, Frontiers and Applications
Lingfei Wu, Peng Cui
The field of graph neural networks (GNNs) has seen rapid and incredible strides over recent years. Graph neural networks have become one of the fastest-growing research topics in machine learning, especially deep learning. This wave of research at the intersection of graph theory and deep learning has also influenced other fields of science, including recommendation systems, computer vision, natural language processing, inductive logic programming, program synthesis, software mining, automated planning, cybersecurity, and intelligent transportation.
This tutorial of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs): Foundation, Frontiers and Applications will cover a broad range of topics in graph neural networks, by reviewing and introducing the fundamental concepts and algorithms of GNNs, new research frontiers of GNNs, and broad and emerging applications with GNNs. In addition, rich tutorial materials will be included and introduced to help the audience gain a systematic understanding by using our recently published book-Graph Neural Networks (GNN): Foundation, Frontiers and Applications, one of the most comprehensive books for researchers and practitioners for reading and studying in GNNs
The audience is expected to have some basic understanding of data mining, machine learning, linear algebra, and optimization. However, the tutorial will be presented at college junior/senior level and should be comfortably followed by academic researchers and practitioners from the industry.

Lingfei Wu
Lingfei Wu an Engineering Manager in the Content and Knowledge Graph Group at Pinterest, where they are building the next generation Knowledge Graph to empower Pinterest recommendation/research systems. He earned his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the College of William and Mary in 2016. He has published one book (in GNNs) and more than 90 top-ranked conference and journal papers, and is a co-inventor of more than 40 filed US patents.

Peng Cui
Tsinghua University
Peng Cui is an Associate Professor with tenure at the Department of Computer Science in Tsinghua University. He obtained his PhD degree from Tsinghua University in 2010. He is keen to promote the convergence and integration of causal inference and machine learning, addressing the fundamental issues of today’s AI technology, including explainability, stability and fairness issues. He has published more than 100 papers in prestigious conferences and journals in machine
TSHA3: The Economics of Data and Machine Learning
Haifeng Xu, James Zou, Shuran Zeng
The past decade has witnessed significant advances in large machine learning (ML) models. For instance, deep learning models for computer vision and natural language processing tasks have been successfully deployed into various products from tech giants. Both empirical and theoretical studies have revealed that, besides the ML model itself, data play an almost equally important role in the success of these ML models. This also partially explains the success of these models within large tech companies, partially due to the significant amount of data they already have. As the popular saying goes, “data are the new oil” that powers the ML engine.
In contrast to the extensive research (and large success) on developing machine learning models, the study of data — e.g., how to elicit, evaluate and exchange data — has been far less explored and, in fact, only begun recently. The lack of a systematic understanding of data significantly limits the applicability of known ML algorithms, particularly in domains where data are insufficient, distorted by misaligned incentives, noisy, or not affordable. Example domains that suffer from these issues include many local businesses looking to identify potential consumers in a neighborhood or loan/insurance companies trying to estimate consumer risks based on (possibly distorted) consumer data.
This tutorial will survey recent advances centered around resolving the aforementioned data challenges by studying the economics behind data and machine learning. The overall goal is to familiarize the audience with: (1) what are the typical challenges in AI, besides designing the learning model itself; (2) what tools can be used to solve these problems; (3) what are possible long-term solutions? Only a basic background in machine learning and optimization is required.

Haifeng Xu
University of Chicago
Haifeng Xu is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chicago. His research focuses on studying the economic aspects of machine learning and data/information, including learning in non-cooperative multi-agent setups and market design for data. He has published ≥60 papers at flagship venues such as STOC, EC, NeurIPS and ICML. Prior to UChicago, he was the Alan Batson Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia and, even before that, a postdoc at Harvard SEAS. Haifeng obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. His research has been recognized by multiple awards, including a Google Faculty Research Award, ACM SIGecom Dissertation Award (honorable mention), IFAAMAS Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award (runner-up), a Google PhD fellowship, and multiple best paper awards.

James Zou
Stanford University
James Zou is an assistant professor of Biomedical Data Science, CS and EE at Stanford University. He develops data science and machine learning methods for biology and medicine. He works on both improving the foundations of AI–-by making models more trustworthy and reliable–-as well as deep scientific and clinical applications. He has received a Sloan Fellowship, an NSF CAREER Award, two Chan-Zuckerberg Investigator Awards, a Top Ten Clinical Achievement Award, several best paper awards, and faculty awards from Google, Amazon, Tencent and Adobe.

Shuran Zheng
Harvard University
Shuran Zheng is a final-year PhD in Computer Science at Harvard University, and she is going to join Carnegie Mellon University as a Post-Doctoral Researcher. Her research is situated at the intersection of Computer Science and Economics. She works in information and data markets, information elicitation and aggregation, information design, and mechanism design. During the fall of 2022, she worked as a student researcher at Google, NYC. In the spring of 2024, Shuran is going to join IIIS, Tsinghua University as a tenure-track assistant professor.
TSHA4: Never-Ending Learning, Lifelong Learning and Continual Learning: Systems, Models, Current Challenges and Applications
Estevam Hruschka
In the last decades, different Never-Ending Learning (NEL) approaches have been proposed and applied in different tasks and domains. In addition, the variety of different names (never-ending learning, continual learning, lifelong learning, etc.), different assumptions (single/multi-model, neural/symbolic/hybrid, external/internal memory, etc.) used to describe systems and models that can keep learning in a continuous way, as well as the new achievements on self-supervised learning and multi-task learning (which are closely related to some of the NEL principles) present in large pre-trained models motivate the proposal of this tutorial. In summary, this tutorial aims at enabling the attendees to:
- Learn about the current state-of-the art on Never-ending Learning, Lifelong Learning and Continual Learning (and their variants);
- Understand the similarities and differences of the NEL principles and other approaches such as large pre-trained models, reinforcement learning and semi-supervised learning.
- Learn (guided by practical examples) how to model problems/tasks using NEL principles.
- Be prepared to follow along NEL principles and propose new approaches to boost performance of different AI applications.
Link to the tutorial webpage:

Estevam Hurschka
Megagon Labs
Estevam Hruschka is the Lab Director and Staff Research Scientist at Megagon Labs ( in Mountain View, CA. Before Megagon Labs, he was (2017-2020) with Amazon helping Alexa to learn to read the Web. Before joining Amazon, Estevam was co-founder and co-leader of the Carnegie Mellon Read the Web project – (
LSHA1: Subset Selection in Machine Learning: Hands-On Application with CORDS, DISTIL, SUBMODLIB,
Nathan Beck, Suraj Kothawade, Krishnateja Killamsetty, Rishabh Iyer
Machine learning — specifically, deep learning — has transformed numerous application domains like computer vision and video analytics, speech recognition, natural language processing, and so on. As a result, significant focus of researchers in the last decade has been on obtaining the most accurate models, often matching, and sometimes surpassing human level performance in these areas. However, deep learning is also unlike human learning in many ways. To achieve the human level performance, deep models require large amounts of labeled training data, several GPU instances to train, and massive size models (ranging from hundreds of millions to billions of parameters). In addition, they are often not robust to noise, imbalance, and out of distribution data and can also easily inherit the biases in the training data.
Motivated by these desiderata and many more, we will present a rich framework of PyTorch toolkits for subset selection and coreset-based approaches that satisfy them. We will begin by providing a brief introduction to these desiderata and how they are handled by the methods implemented in our toolkits. Next, we will then introduce each toolkit — CORDS, DISTIL, SUBMODLIB, and TRUST — by highlighting their field of application and by walking through enriching, real-scenario tutorials showcasing their ease of use and capability for satisfying the above desiderata. In particular, we will provide hands-on experiences for compute-efficient training through CORDS; label-efficient training through DISTIL; powerful submodular optimization through SUBMODLIB; and robust, fair, and personalized learning via TRUST. We will present these toolkits under the larger cooperative effort of DECILE (\url{}, \url{}), highlighting the rich community of
researchers and practitioners supporting these toolkits.
The goal of this lab is to provide and highlight a toolkit framework for solving many real-world complications within deep learning using subset selection and coreset-based approaches. Specifically, we believe that providing these toolkits and enriching hands-on experience regarding their use will enable researchers and practitioners to think beyond just improving the model accuracy and in broader yet important aspects like Green AI, fairness, robustness, personalization, data efficiency, and so on. Furthermore, the hands-on demonstrations will also be useful to students and researchers from industry to get oriented in and practically started with the subject matter of each toolkit and its related aspects. By introducing these toolkits, we also hope to build a larger community around their usage, which will help strengthen their applicability across deep learning and help connect the interests of like-minded researchers and practitioners.
The target audience of this lab are practitioners in deep learning and machine learning as well as researchers working on more theoretical areas in optimization in machine learning.

Nathan Beck
University of Texas
Nathan is a PhD student studying active learning under the supervision of Rishabh Iyer at the Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas. He largely studies the evaluation of active learning and its application in complicated settings outside of the basic supervised setting, including its application in multi-distributional learning, OOD generalization, and realistic labeling pipelines.

Suraj Kothawade
University of Texas
Suraj is a PhD student studying active learning under the supervision of Rishabh Iyer at the Department of Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas. His research revolves around targeted data subset selection for improving the performance of machine learning models in realistic dataset scenarios like class imbalance, redundancy, and out-of-distribution data. Another aspect of his research involves the use of techniques such as Active Learning and Submodular subset selection to train deep models on significantly less data, without compromising on their accuracies. He also works on visual data summarization which involves generating generic, query-focused or privacy preserving summaries of image collections or videos.

Krishnateja Killamsetty
University of Texas
Krishnateja is a Ph.D. student working on “Data Subset Selection for Efficient and Robust Deep Learning” under the supervision of Rishabh Iyer in the CARAML Lab at the Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas. His research centers on developing techniques and algorithms that enable data-efficient, compute-efficient, and robust machine learning systems. He also works on designing techniques that use the underlying data structure and analyze data samples’ importance for model learning to achieve the earlier goals. Krishnateja’s current work on data subset selection focuses on selecting small data subsets on which the machine learning models can be trained with negligible loss in accuracy on unseen datasets(generalization) while achieving 5X – 10X speedups/ energy savings/ CO2 emission savings. Furthermore, data subset selection methods can be efficiently used for training the models robustly when the dataset has noisy labels and class imbalance. In conclusion, his research directly applies to building machine learning systems that can efficiently learn from a prohibitively massive amount of data in a scalable and robust manner and brings us one step closer to achieving Green AI.

Rishabh Iyer
University of Texas
Rishabh Iyer is currently an Assistant Professor at University of Texas at Dallas where he heads the Machine Learning and Optimization Lab. Prior to this, he was a Research Scientist at Microsoft where he spent three years. He finished his PostDoc and Ph.D from the University of Washington, Seattle. He has worked on several problems including discrete and submodular optimization, large scale data selection, robust and efficient machine learning, visual data summarization, active and semi-supervised learning. His work has received best paper awards at ICML 2013 and NIPS (now NeurIPS), 2013. He also won the Microsoft Ph.D fellowship, a Facebook Ph.D Fellowship, and the Yang Outstanding Doctoral Student Award from University of Washington. He has organized tutorials on summarization and data subset selection in WACV 2019, ECAI 2020, IJCAI 2020, ICML 2021, and AAAI 2022.
LSHA2: Automated AI For Decision Optimization with Reinforcement Learning
Dharmashankar Subramanian,Takayuki Osogami, Radu Marinescu, Alexander Zadorojniy, Long Vu, Nhan H. Pham
Reinforcement learning has many practical real-world applications. However, RL solutions are highly sensitive to the choice of the RL algorithm and its internal hyperparameters which requires expert manual effort. This limits the widespread applicability of RL solutions in practice. In this lab session, we introduce an automated system, AutoDO, for end-to-end solving of sequential decision-making problems. Our system automatically selects the best RL algorithm and its hyperparameters using a search strategy based on limited discrepancy search coupled with Bayesian optimization. It supports both online and offline RL as well as automated Markov Decision Process (MDP) models based on mathematical programming.
Data scientists with very little or no experience in RL will be able to formulate and solve sequential decision-making problems using AutoDO. They will focus on preparing the inputs, namely a system environment for online RL and a data set annotated with a knowledge data structure for offline RL and automated MDP models and will gain experience in using our system to automate the solution pipeline generation for the optimal decision policy. Prerequisites will be shared in advance: mainly, basic familiarity with python and free subscription in advance to a public facing API service.

Dharmashankar Subramanian
IBM Research
Dharmashankar Subramanian is a principal research scientist and manager at IBM Research, New York. He received his PhD in chemical engineering from Purdue University. His research expertise includes machine learning, optimal decision-making under uncertainty, risk analysis and applications of mathematical modeling in a diverse set of domains.

Takayuki Osogami
IBM Research
Takayuki Osogami is a senior technical staff member and the manager of the mathematical sciences group at IBM Research – Tokyo. He is leading research projects on reinforcement learning and its integration with game theory. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.

Radu Marinescu
IBM Research
Radu Marinescu is a research scientist at IBM Research — Ireland. He received his PhD from the University of California, Irvine. His research centers on search algorithms that explore the AND/OR search spaces, for graphical models, and use partitioning-based approaches to generate heuristic functions automatically. He also leads projects on automated machine/reinforcement learning, probabilistic logic as well as neuro-symbolic AI.

Alexander Zadorojniy
IBM Research
Alexander (Sasha) Zadorojniy is a research scientist in the Enterprise Optimization and AI group at IBM Research – Israel. He holds a Ph.D. from Tel-Aviv University and a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in electrical engineering from the Technion – IIT. His research focus – MDP and RL theory and applications.

Long Vu
IBM Research
Long Vu is currently a Senior Technical Staff Member at the IBM TJ. Watson Research Center, New York. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2010. His research interests include Automated Machine Learning, Automated Reinforcement Learning, and Distributed Networked Systems.

Nhan H. Pham
IBM Research
Nhan H. Pham completed his PhD in Operations Research in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2021 and he is currently a Research Scientist at IBM Research, Thomas J. Watson Research Center. His research focus includes automatic machine learning and stochastic optimization for machine learning.
LSHA3: Colossal-AI: Scaling AI Models in Big Model Era
James Demme, Yang You
Large transformer models display promising performance on a wide range of AI tasks. Although the AI community has expanded the model scale to the trillion parameters, there is an urgent demand to scale giant model training and inference on multiple GPU clusters, due to the limited memory resource of a single GPU. However, the best practice for choosing the optimal strategy is still lacking, since it requires domain expertise in both deep learning and parallel computing. The open-source Colossal-AI system addresses the above challenges by introducing a unified interface to scale your sequential code of model training and inference to distributed environments.
It supports parallel methods such as data, pipeline, tensor and sequence parallelism, as well as heterogeneous system methods such as a zero-redundancy optimizer and offloading. The system mirrors its design with the predominant way that the AI community is familiar with in writing non- distributed code and can easily be adapted to efficient parallel training and inference.
The lab will be self-contained, and we provide AWS computing instances with example code to help the audience get familiar with the system and apply it to scale their large AI models with minimal effort. More information about Colossal-AI is available at

James Demmel
UC Berkeley
Prof. James Demmel is a Distinguished Professor at UC Berkeley. He is also the former chair of the Computer Science Division and EECS Department of UC Berkeley. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Yang You
National University of Singapore
Prof. Yang You is a Presidential Young Professor at the National University of Singapore. He broke the world record of ImageNet training speed, followed by another world record of BERT training speed. He also made Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list for young leaders and IEEE-CS TCHPC early career award.
LSHA4: Building Approachable, Hands-On Embedded Machine Learning Curriculum Using Edge Impulse
and Arduino
Brian Plancher, Shawn Hymel
Embedded machine learning (ML) is the process of running machine learning algorithms on low-cost, resource-constrained microcontrollers and single board computers and is currently used to solve unique problems in industry and academia. As a result, there is a growing demand to teach embedded ML in higher education institutions to prepare developers, engineers, and researchers for these emerging data-driven approaches.
This lab provides hands-on experience creating an end-to-end embedded ML system using a combination of Edge Impulse and Arduino. In the lab, we will create and deploy a full image classification system by performing data collection using Arduino, model training with Edge Impulse, and live inference with Arduino. This will provide researchers and educators with the knowledge and tools to develop an approachable curriculum around embedded ML.
Attendees should have an interest in finding ways to make ML easier and approachable to students, especially those outside of the computer science field. Such attendees could be professors or lecturers from other disciplines or those teaching ML in cross-cutting programs. Some programming experience will be needed (ideally C/C++ or Arduino). No machine learning experience is required.

Brian Plancher
Columbia University
Brian is an assistant professor at Barnard College, Columbia University. He researches and teaches robotics, exploring the intersection of AI / ML / optimization algorithms, and computer systems / architecture. He can be found working to broaden the access and impact of these approaches globally and spending time with his family.

Shawn Hymel
Edge Impulse
Shawn is a machine learning DevRel engineer, instructor, and university program manager at Edge Impulse. He creates compelling technical videos, courses, and workshops around edge machine learning that inspire engineers of all skill levels. He can be found giving talks, running workshops, and swing dancing in his free time.
LSHA5: OpenMMLab: A Foundational Platform for Computer Vision Research and Production
Kai Chen, Ruohui Wang, Songyang Zhang, Wenwei Zhang, Yanhong Zeng
OpenMMLab is one of the most influential open-source computer vision algorithm systems in the deep learning era, enabling efficient development with maximum flexibility. It aims to provide a solid benchmark and promote reproducibility for academic research. OpenMMLab has released more than 30 high-quality projects and toolboxes in various research areas. OpenMMLab has published more than 300 algorithms and 2,400 checkpoints. It receives over 67,000 stars on GitHub and involves more than 14,00 contributors in the community.
This lab aims to introduce an open-to-use toolkit —— OpenMMLab, from overall architectural design to the usage of specific toolboxes. Audiences interested in this area will learn how to use OpenMMLab to promote producibility for academic research and efficiently develop computer vision applications. We will cover the following topics: 1. Introduction to OpenMMLab: An open-source algorithm for computer vision; 2. Basic usage and overall architecture of OpenMMLab; 3. Learning fundamental modesl with MMClassification and MMSelfSup; 4. Generic object detection with MMDetection; 5. Low-level vision and generation with MMEditing and MMGeneration.

Kai Chen
Shanghai AI Laboratory
Kai Chen is currently a research scientist in Shanghai AI Laboratory, leading the OpenMMLab team. He received his PhD from CUHK and bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University. He has published more than 20 papers on top-tier conferences and journals in computer vision.

Ruohui Wang
Shanghai AI Laboratory
Ruohui is currently a senior researcher in Shanghai AI Lab, responsible for organizing university courses and professional tutorials on computer vision and OpenMMLab tool system. Previously, Ruohui worked as the leading developer of MMEditing, a toolbox in OpenMMLab. Before joining the OpenMMLab team, Ruohui obtained his PhD degree from Multimedia laboratory, CUHK.

Songyang Zhang
Songyang Zhang is a postdoctoral researcher supervised by Dahua Lin. He received his PH.D. from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He leads the development of pre-train directions of OpenMMLab (MMClassification & MMSelfSup). His research interests include model structure, small sample learning, and visual relationship understanding.

Wenwei Zhang
Nanyang Technological University
Wenwei Zhang is a final year PH. D student at Nanyang Technological University. He has been a core maintainer of OpenMMLab projects since 2019. He led the release of MMEngine and has been leading the development of MMDetection, MMDetection3D, MMRotate, and MMTracking. He has published eight papers in top conferences and won several international academic challenges.

Yanhong Zeng
Shanghai AI Laboratory
Yanhong Zeng is a Researcher at Shanghai AI Laboratory. Before that, she received her Ph.D. degree at Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) under the joint PhD program between Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) and SYSU in 2022. Her research interests include image/video synthesis and editing, multi-modal language and vision.
TSQP1: Data Compression with Machine Learning
Karen Ulrich, Yibo Yang, Stephan Mandt
The efficient communication of information is of enormous societal and environmental impact and stands to benefit from the machine learning revolution seen in other fields. This tutorial disseminates the ideas from information theory and learned (neural) data compression to a broader machine learning and AI audience.
We focus on the core principles and techniques behind neural lossless and lossy compression and highlight the intimate connections between compression and statistical modeling, drawing upon deep generative models such as autoregressive models, VAEs, and GANs. These techniques apply to various problems beyond the standard data compression task, such as compression for perceptual quality and gradient compression in federated learning. We will also provide broader perspectives on the interplay between compression and machine learning, as well as the various challenges and societal issues of neural compression, such as fairness, trustworthiness, and energy consumption. We expect our audience to have basic knowledge of generative models such as autoregressive models, GANs, and especially latent variable models.

Karen Ulrich
Meta AI
Karen Ullrich is a research scientist at Meta AI, focusing on the intersection of information theory and probabilistic machine learning. She regularly publishes at machine learning conferences and has also been actively involved in a variety of diversity initiatives such as co-founding the Inclusive AI and the WiML mentorship programs.

Yibo Yang
University of California
Yibo Yang is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Irvine. His research interests include probability theory, information theory, and machine learning. He actively works in the area of neural compression, and recently authored a review article aimed at introducing the topic to a broader machine learning audience.

Stephan Mandt
University of California
Stephan Mandt is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. He is an NSF CAREER awardee, A Kavli Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and a Fellow of the German National Merit Foundation. He works in deep generative modeling and its applications and co-organized the neural compression workshop at ICLR 2021.
TSQP2: Towards Causal Foundations of Safe AI
Tom Everitt, Lewis Hammond, Jon Richens
With great power comes great responsibility. Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly gaining new capabilities and is increasingly trusted to make decisions impacting humans in significant ways (from self-driving cars to stock-trading to hiring decisions). To ensure that AI behaves in ethical and robust beneficial ways, we must identify potential pitfalls and develop effective mitigation strategies. In this tutorial, we will explain how (Pearlian) causality offers a useful formal framework for reasoning about AI risk and describe recent work on this topic. In particular, we'll cover causal models of agents and how to discover them; causal definitions of fairness, intent, harm, and incentives; and risks from AI such as misgeneralization and preference manipulation, as well as how mitigation techniques including impact measures, interpretability, and path-specific objectives can help address them.

Tom Everitt
Working on causal approaches to safe AGI, Tom leads a small team at DeepMind and a cross-institutional collaboration called the Causal Incentives Working Group.

Lewis Hammond
University of Oxford
Lewis is a DPhil Candidate in computer science at the University of Oxford and is also currently serving as the Acting Executive Director of the Cooperative AI Foundation. His research concerns safety, control, and incentives in multi-agent systems, and in practice spans game theory, formal methods, and machine learning.

Jon Richens
Jon is a research scientist at DeepMind working on causal approaches to AI safety. He has published on topics including incorporating causality into medical AI and defining and mitigating harm using counterfactual reasoning. His work has been reported in The Times and The Telegraph.
TSHP1: Hyperbolic Neural Networks: Theory, Architectures and Applications
Nurendra Choudhary, Karthik Subbian, Srinivasan H. Sengamedu, Chandan K. Reddy
While preliminary research in the domain of graph analysis was driven by neural architectures, recent studies have revealed important properties unique to graph datasets such as hierarchies and global structures. This has driven research into hyperbolic space due to their ability to effectively encode the inherent hierarchy present in graph datasets. The research has also been subsequently applied to other domains such as NLP and computer vision to get formidable results. However, the significant challenge for further growth is the obscurity of hyperbolic networks and a better comprehension of the necessary algebraic operations needed to broaden the application to different neural network architectures.
In this tutorial, we aim to introduce researchers and practitioners in the web domain to the hyperbolic equivariant of the Euclidean operations that are necessary to tackle their application to neural network architectures. Additionally, we describe the popular hyperbolic variants of GNN architectures such as recurrent networks, convolution networks, and attention networks, and explain their implementation, in contrast to the Euclidean counterparts. Furthermore, we also motivate our tutorial through existing applications in graph analysis, knowledge graph reasoning, product search, NLP, and computer vision and compare the performance gains to the Euclidean counterparts.
Prerequisites: Familiarity with popular neural network architectures such as MLP, RNNs, CNNs, and Attention networks.

Nurendra Choudhary
Virginia Tech
Nurendra Choudhary is a Ph.D. student in the department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. His research, under advisor Dr. Chandan Reddy, is focused on representation learning in the fields of graph analysis, hyperbolic neural networks, and product search.

Karthik Subbian
Karthik Subbian is a principal scientist at Amazon with more than 17 years of industry experience. He leads a team of scientists and engineers to improve search quality and trust.

Srinivasan H. Sengamedu
Srinivasan H. Sengamedu is a Senior Machine Learning Manager at Amazon where he currently works on the analysis of software using machine learning. The techniques are used in Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer.

Chandan K. Reddy
Virginia Tech
Chandan K. Reddy is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University and M.S. from Michigan State University. His primary research is in the area of Machine Learning with applications to Healthcare, E-commerce, Software Development, and Social Networks. His research has been funded by NSF, NIH, DOE, DOT, and various industries.
TSHP2: AI for Data-Centric Epidemic Forecasting
Alexander Rogriguez, Harshavardhan Kamarthi, B. Aditya Prakash
Forecasting epidemic progression remains a non-trivial task as the spread of diseases is subject to multiple confounding factors. Research interest has been fueled by the increased availability of rich data sources capturing previously unobservable facets of the epidemic spread and initiatives from government public health and funding agencies. In particular, there has been a spate of work in data- centered solutions which have shown potential in enhancing our forecasting capabilities by leveraging non-traditional data sources as well as recent innovations in AI. This tutorial will delve into various such methodologies with a focus on the recent developments in data-driven AI methods as well as a novel class of hybrid models that combine domain knowledge of mechanistic models with the effectiveness and flexibility of AI/ML approaches. We will also cover epidemiological datasets and novel data streams, experiences and challenges that arise in real-world deployment, and highlight some challenges and open problems.
For maximum benefit, the expected prerequisite is basic undergraduate knowledge of standard data science/statistics/AI. No epidemiological knowledge is assumed.

Alexander Rogriguez
Georgia Institute of Technology
Alexander Rodríguez is a 5th year PhD student in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. His research interests include data science and AI, with emphasis on time-series and real-world networks problems motivated from epidemiology and community resilience. His work has led to publications in top venues such as AAAI, NeurIPS and KDD. His work won the best paper award at ICML AI4ABM 2022, and also he was awarded the 1st place in the Facebook/CMU COVID-19 Challenge and the 2nd place in the COVID-19 Grand Challenge. The University of Chicago Data Science Institute named him a ‘Rising Star in Data Science’ in 2021.

Harshavardhan Kamarthi
Georgia Institute of Technology
Harshavardhan Kamarthi is PhD student in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. He received a B.Tech and M.Tech in CSE from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Madras in 2020. His research interests include time-series forecasting, deep probabilistic, generative modelling, and deep learning with applications to problems in epidemiology. His work has been published in NeurIPS, ICLR, WWW and AAMAS and was nominated for best student paper award at AAMAS 2020. He also received Alumni Association Award for best Academic performance and Lakshmi Ravi award for the best Masters thesis at IIT Madras.

B.Aditya Prakash
Georgia Institute of Technology
B. Aditya Prakash is an Associate Professor in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology (“Georgia Tech”). He received a Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University and a B.Tech (in CS) from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) — Bombay. He has published one book, more than 95 papers in major venues, holds two U.S. patents and has given several tutorials at leading conferences. His research interests include Data Science, Machine Learning and AI, with emphasis on big-data problems in large real-world networks and time-series, with applications to computational epidemiology/public health, urban computing, security, and the Web. His work has also received multiple awards such as best-of-conference/best-paper citations (6 times), NSF CAREER, Facebook Faculty award (twice), ‘AI Ten to Watch’ by IEEE and top prizes in international data science challenges. His website is:
TSHP3: Recent Advances in Bayesian Optimization
Jana Doppa, Aryan Deshwal, Syrine Belakaria
Many engineering and scientific applications including automated machine learning (e.g., neural architecture search and hyper-parameter tuning) involve making design choices to optimize one or more expensive to evaluate objectives. Bayesian Optimization (BO) is an effective framework to solve black-box optimization problems with expensive function evaluations. The goal of our tutorial is to present a comprehensive survey of BO starting from foundations to these recent advances by focusing onchallenges, principles, and algorithmic ideas and their connections.
The target audience of this tutorial includes (1) General AI researchers and graduate students who will learn about principles, algorithms, and outstanding challenges to explore the frontiers of BO and its real-world applications; (2) BO researchers who will learn about the complete landscape of BO problems to gain breadth and learn about outstanding challenges in the frontiers of BO; (3) Industrial AI researchers and practitioners who will be apply the learned knowledge for solving automated machine learning and A/B testing problems; and (4) Researchers and practitioners working on science and engineering applications such as drug/vaccine design, materials design etc. will learn about useful BO tools.

Jana Doppa
Washington State University
Jana Doppa is the Huie-Rogers Endowed Chair Associate Professor of Computer Science at Washington State University. His research focuses on both foundations of AI and its applications to science and engineering domains.

Aryan Deshwal
Washington State University
Aryan Deshwal is a PhD candidate in CS at Washington State University. His research focuses on machine learning and sequential decision-making with applications to chemical design and nano-porous materials.

Syrine Belakaria
Washington State University
Syrine Belakaria is a senior PhD student in CS at Washington State University. Her research focuses on adaptive experiment design for hardware design, materials design, and electric transportation systems.
TSHP4: Teaching Computing and Technology Ethics: Engaging Through Science Fiction
Emanuelle Burton, Judy Goldsmith, Nicholas Mattei, Cory Siler, Sara-Jo Swiatek
This workshop will introduce participants interested in teaching a full-term computer science ethics course to the tools and techniques of using science fiction to teach that course. The workshop will consist of three hourlong parts, each of which will draw heavily on science fiction as a teaching tool: (1) an introduction to and tips for teaching with multiple ethical frameworks including virtue ethics, deontology, communitarianism, and utilitarianism; (2) A deep dive on teaching about personhood and privacy by focusing on what's at stake, using multiple viewpoints; and (3) an overview and interactive workshop on the practical logistics of teaching a full term ethics course including example syllabi and teaching materials. This course will equip participants to make rich use of science fiction in their course and to incorporate multiple ethical perspectives into classroom discussion. Participants will have an opportunity to work on course structure and teaching modules in small groups and will receive example teaching materials.
All presenters are authors of the textbook, Computing and Technology Ethics: Engaging through Science Fiction, forthcoming from MIT Press in early 2023. The first three authorshave presented and written widely on using science fiction to teach computer science ethics.

Emanuelle Burton
University of Illinois
Emanuelle Burton is a lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Illinois Chicago. She holds a PhD in Religion and Literature from the University of Chicago and has published articles on ethical meaning-making in several works of children's and YA fantasy fiction, including the Chronicles of Narnia, the Hunger Games and the His Dark Materials series. She is a member of ACM's Committee on Professional Ethics.

Judy Goldsmith
University of Kentucky
Judy Goldsmith is a Professor of Computer Science and has been teaching computer ethics using science fiction since 2013. She is a founding member of SIGCSE Reads!, and has recently been presenting widely through university colloquia on using fiction to teach computer ethics. She is a member of the AAAI Ethics Committee.

Nicholas Mattei
Tulane University
Nicholas Mattei is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Tulane University and the vice-chair of ACM: SIGAI. He is an active researcher in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Ethics and uses parts of this book in both his Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Introduction to Data Science courses.

Cory Siler
Cory Siler is a PhD student in Computer Science. They have served as recurring guest lecturer for their department’s science fiction and computer science ethics class.

Sara-Jo Swiatek
Sara-Jo Swiatek received a doctorate in Ethics from the University of Chicago in 2022. She has taught courses on the philosophy and ethics of technology and in the areas of both philosophical and theological ethics. In 2019 she taught Communication and Ethical Issues in Computing at the University of Chicago Illinois.
TSHP5: Knowledge-Driven Vision-Language Pretraining
Manling Li, Xudong Lin, Jie Lei, Mohit Bansal, Shih-Fu Chang, Heng Ji
This tutorial targets AI researchers and practitioners interested in multimedia data understanding, such as text, images, and videos. Recent advances in vision-language pretraining connect vision and text through multiple levels of knowledge, including entity (object) knowledge, relation (scene graph) knowledge, event (activity) knowledge, procedural knowledge, and the knowledge from language models. These include methods to explicitly discover and encode structured knowledge extracted from text and vision data, and to retain semantic knowledge in language models. This tutorial will provide audience with a systematic introduction of (i) various vision-language pretraining methods for automated extraction, conceptualization and prediction of entities and events, as well as their interactions such as scene graphs and situation graphs, (ii) induction of event procedural knowledge to enhance vision-language pretraining through script learning, (iii) the distillation and encoding of the knowledge in language models, and (v) a wide range of multimedia understanding tasks that benefit from aforementioned techniques. We will conclude the tutorial with remaining challenges in this area. Basic knowledge of machine learning is required. An elementary understanding of pertaining techniques will be assumed. The tutorial will come along with a comprehensive survey, slides, videos, representative tools, data resources openly available at

Manling Li
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Manling Li, Ph.D. candidate, Computer Science, UIUC. Her work on multimedia knowledge extraction won the ACL'20 Best Demo Paper Award, NAACL’21 Best Demo Paper Award. The awards she received include DARPA Riser (2022), EE CS Rising Star (2022), Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship (2021), Mavis Future Faculty Fellow (2020). Additional information is available at

Xudong Lin
Columbia University
Xudong Lin, Ph.D. candidate, Computer Science, Columbia University. His research interests broadly lie in building AI assistants for “video+x” tasks and representation learning. His research on video-based text generation has been featured in media like VentureBeat. He has more than 20 publications about multimedia content understanding. Additional information is available at

Jie Lei
Meta AI
Jie Lei, research scientist, Meta AI. His primary research interests are vision-and-language understanding and video modeling. He received his PhD in Computer Science from UNC Chapel Hill in 2022. He is a receipt of the Adobe Research Fellowship and the CVPR 2021 Best Student Paper Honorable Mention award. Additional information is available at

Mohit Bansal
University of North Carolina
Mohit Bansal, John R. & Louise S. Parker Professor, Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill. He is a recipient of the DARPA Director’s fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, Google Focused Research Award, MicrosoftInvestigator Fellowship, ARO Young Investigator Award (YIP), DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA), and several outstanding paper awards at ACL, CVPR, EACL, COLING, and CoNLL. Additional information is available at

Shih-Fu Chang
Columbia University
Shih-Fu Chang, Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor, the Dean of Engineering, Columbia University. He received the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award, ACM SIGMM Technical Achievement Award, the Honorary Doctorate from the University of Amsterdam, and the IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award. He is a Fellow of AAAS, ACM, and IEEE, and a member of Academia Sinica. Additional information is available at

Heng Ji
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Heng Ji, Professor, Computer Science, UIUC; Amazon Scholar. She was selected as “Young Scientist'' and a member of the Global Future Council on the Future of Computing by the World Economic Forum. The awards she received include “AI's 10 to Watch'' Award, NSF CAREER award, Google Research Award, IBM Watson Faculty Award, Bosch Research Award, and Amazon AWS Award, ACL2020 Best Demo Paper Award, and NAACL2021 Best Demo Paper Award. Additional information is available at
LSHP1: Optimization with Constraint Learning
Ilker Birgil, Donato Maragno, Orit Davidovich
Optimization with constraint learning (OCL) uniquely leverages machine learning (ML) to design optimization models in which constraints and objectives are directly learned from data whenever explicit expressions are unknown. While OCL offers great advantages to design more accurate models, in a faster way, practitioners should also be aware of possible pitfalls and inaccuracies arising from embedding fitted models as optimization constraints.
Divided into four parts, the OCL Lab offers theoretical as well as hands-on tutorials, demonstrated on a case study from the World Food Programme. Throughout the OCL Lab, participants will become familiar with two novel Python packages: (1) OptiCL to learn and embed constraints and (2) DOFramework to evaluate the optimal solutions generated by an OCL algorithm. The first two parts of the lab will provide participants with theoretical and practical knowledge for using ML models to learn constraints and objectives directly from data. The remaining two parts will be dedicated to novel quality metrics for OCL and a structured testing framework for OCL algorithms.
Lab participants are expected to be familiar with mathematical optimization models at a high level and have a working knowledge of ML models such as decision trees, tree ensembles, and neural networks.

Ilker Birbil
University of Amsterdam
Ilker Birbil is a professor at the University of Amsterdam, where he is the head of the Business Analytics Department. His research interests center around optimization methods in data science and decision making. Lately, he is working on interpretable machine learning and data privacy in operations research.

Donato Maragno
University of Amersterdam
Donato Maragno is a PhD candidate at the Department of Business Analytics, University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. His research interest focuses on the investigation of different techniques to embed Machine Learning into optimization models. He is one of the developers of OptiCL, an open-source tool for optimization with constraint learning.

Orit Davidovich
IBM Research Lab
Orit Davidovich is an Applied Math Research Scientist at the IBM Research Lab in Haifa, Israel. Orit is broadly interested in problems that arise when offering decision support is subject to uncertainty, frequently stemming from available data. In addition, Orit likes tinkering with novel cloud compute frameworks.
LSHP2: Automated Machine Learning & Tuning with FLAML
Chi Wang, Qingyun Wu, Xueqing, Luis Quintanilla
In this lab forum, we will provide an in-depth and hands-on tutorial on Automated Machine Learning & Tuning with a fast open-source library FLAML. The target audiences include data scientists, software engineers, and researchers. Attendees are assumed to have an introductory knowledge of either Python or .NET. Both ML beginners and AI experts can benefit from this tutorial. Attendees will learn how to use this lightweight library and related products to find accurate machine learning models automatically, efficiently, and economically. We will also introduce how to use FLAML to tune generic hyperparameters for a wide range of applications, such as MLOps workflows, pipelines, mathematical or statistical models, algorithm configurations, computing experiments, and software configurations. We will cover how to leverage the rich customization choices to meet your last-mile requirements for a successful deployment or apply this tool in your research. We will provide code examples, demos, and lessons learned from customers. The later parts of the tutorial will include advanced functionalities of the library, such as zero-shot AutoML, fair AutoML, and online AutoML. We will discuss open problems and challenges in the end.

Chi Wang
Microsoft Research
Dr. Chi Wang is a principal researcher in Microsoft Research at Redmond.

Qingyun Wu
Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Qingyun Wu is an Assistant Professor at Pennsylvania State University.

Xueqing Liu
Stevens Institute of Technology
Dr. Xueqing Liu is an Assistant Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology.

Luis Quintanilla
Luis Quintanilla is a Program Manager at Microsoft.
LSHP3: Innovative Uses of Synthetic Data
Mihaela van der Schaar, Zhaozhi Qian
One of the biggest barriers to AI adoption is the difficulty to access high quality training data. Synthetic data has been widely recognized as a viable solution to this problem. However, despite the significant progress in the methodology, the community still lacks a unified software that enables all the emerging use cases of synthetic data in sharing, de-biasing, and augmenting data.
This lab aims to bridge this gap by introducing synthcity, an open-source Python library that implements an array of cutting-edge synthetic data generators to address the problems of data scarcity, privacy, and bias. The lab features a series of case studies with synthcity to illustrate the innovative uses of synthetic data. The lab will focus on tabular data generation due to its commonality in various applications. The participants will gather hands-on experience in using synthcity to address the common challenges associated with generating synthetic data as well as using the generated synthetic data for training various machine learning models. They will also gain a deeper knowledge of the theory, algorithms, best practices as well as limitations of synthetic data generation.
We will aim for minimal required prerequisite knowledge. However, we will assume basic knowledge of generative models (e.g., GANs, VAEs) and basic Python skills.

Mihaela van der Schaar
University of Cambridge
Mihaela van der Schaar is the John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Medicine at the University of Cambridge, a Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute in London, and a Chancellor’s Professor at UCLA. Mihaela is founder and director of the Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine. Her research focus is on machine learning, AI and operations research for healthcare and medicine.

Zhaozhi Qian
University of Cambridge
Zhaozhi Qian is a PhD candidate at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. His research interest is machine learning for healthcare and medicine, with special focus on causal inference, time series, and synthetic data.
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