The Bridge theme is intended to highlight and enhance AAAI’s historical role as an incubator of new AI disciplines. Below are some of the ways that you can participate in this year’s Bridge theme.
● Propose a Bridge Program, which brings together multi-disciplinary researchers of all levels to address a common question or challenge, through a combination of panels, invited talks, tutorials, labs, posters and a grand challenge.
● Participate at any level in someone else’s Bridge Program. You might be starting as a new AI researcher, have years or experience, or be joining us from a different perspective. All are welcome!
● Teach a Bridge Tutorial that makes major or emerging results from your subdiscipline accessible to the broad AI community. Alternatively, teach a lab on new tools that are emerging from your discipline. Meanwhile, learn from a few of the diverse set of tutorials and labs that are available this year.
● Present a Senior Member Bridge Talk, where, for example, you remind the community of a corpus of past research that is relevant to today’s challenges, or outline an agenda for how a set of disciplines can be brought together towards a common goal.
● Create or attend a Bridge Demonstration that showcases what can be accomplished by combining results from multiple AI disciplines, whether it be a Mars helicopter or the next robot butler.
● Write an abstract or poster about how your personal research unifies methodologies across multiple AI disciplines. This might be undergraduate research or doctoral research; it is never too early to share. Student research is an ideal opportunity to combine methods from multiple disciplines towards a common purpose. This effort is often rewarded with significant opportunities for collaboration, innovation and impact, and can provide a catalyst for career long success.
● Describe your ambitious collaborative research agenda, through a New Faculty Highlight Bridge Talk, as you embark upon the next stage of your career.
● Present or hear about recent significant research results from one of AI’s many subdisciplines, through one of this year’s new Journal Track presentations or posters.
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